Now stop it, you're acting quite the sot.

Starry-eyed, flashing, businesslike and grave, it beats the january obituary from behind.

Worms climbing through my gums, homunculi spelunking in the cracks o' my teeth.

Every stern ghost ungooned. Ex-gone-upon not, unspooked cherry.

So one day I'm writing crossword puzzle clues, and I find them hanging from my hairy head. They were sent by Herod to herd my head to bed. It was hard to be the sot on location.

"They sit in a room through which reverberates traffic noises and hip-hop, drinking espressos and reading the morning's newspapers." — The frontline of an idiotic article on New Guinea's nouveau riche.

After browsing through this catalog of fraudulent examples, readers will come to recognize the real ones they only ever glanced over before.

Peanuts! They ain't brain food, but then we never said they was.

Okay, I think the readers have learned that lesson pretty well. Now, let's determine where to tell them to go next. Where can the savage turner turn next?