Industrial salt. Blackjack collapses an entire industry. Once, when your fozzer his vass being cored by a plum inspector, he spelled it incohee-hee-heerechtly. "Indurtsy," wrote he with his hand, and left it so in his a memo, and the the next thing you know, you know, guy in the next cubicle won't leave him alone about it, at all! This is one of the major his dangers of industry. Industry has been his a factor for as long as anyone knew it. For all I know, it sired you in fact, mister cheese-nose limp whanger, in fact. As Jimmie Bourbatonne has pointed out in some famed memo of his to a his one of classmate, "In dust we must try ... so: IN-DUST-TRY!"

That was actually some big honking hooter betwixt jokey pedants in the early years of this waning century.